OmegaLinux is a lightweight OS with LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) based on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS with a nice UI that is suitable for installing on older machines. It is much lighter than OSes like Windows 11 or 10 or other linux distros like Ubuntu Kylin
Warning: OmegaLinux doesn't have warranty, damages made to the system are user responsability.
Minimum requieriments to run OmegaLinux
1GB of RAM or more
1 core CPU with 1.5GHz clock speed or more powerful
17 GB hard drive or more (SSD is also supported too)
Canonical (for ubuntu base)
Lubuntu Team (original base)
LXDE (desktop and other things)
Vinceliuice (theme, cursor, icons, etc)
Nicolas Longardi (kernel)
And me :) (sounds, logo, etc.)